Tag Archives: same-sex marriage

Why the Uniting Church should be louder about its LGBTIQ inclusion

There is evidence to suggest that being louder about the fact that the Uniting Church unconditionally welcomes LGBTIQ people as members, ordains LGBTIQ people as ministers, and allows same-sex couples to be married in churches, is just good advertising. Continue reading

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Reflection: Marriage for Eureka Street

I wrote something for Eureka Street. You can read it here. Enjoy.

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Reflection: My chains fell off, my heart was free

I am proud of the Uniting Church and of every member of the Assembly who discerned a way forward with grace and humility. Continue reading

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Sermon: Kindred in unity

I believe that we will be able to live together in unity as kindred. That is not naïve optimism. It is faith based on what God has managed to do in the past. Continue reading

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Assembly Working Group on Doctrine response to Prof James Haire

Prof Haire’s response to the Report reveals a superficial and selective reading and, at times, a misreading or misrepresentation of its content. Continue reading

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Submission: Religious Freedom

As a minister and member of the Uniting Church I am committed to the recognition and protection of all human rights. Continue reading

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Vote ‘Yes’ for Religious Freedom

If I am wrong, and religious celebrants are forced by the state to marry any couples, I will be on the barricades and will happily join those celebrants in prison. Continue reading

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I’m fine!

Just a note, since I seem to have worried some people. I’ve deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts because I’ve decided that being called satanic and told that I’m heading straight for hell over my support for marriage equality is … Continue reading

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Sermon: We can’t choose our (church) family

It’s a cliché that we can’t choose our family, and that applies to our church family as well. After all, if God has welcomed even us into the family, how can we deny that welcome to others? Continue reading

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I was in The Australian

… I think the article that resulted was a good one … Continue reading

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