Tag Archives: religious freedom

Very short reflection on baptism

The Uniting Church baptises babies and children without asking them to make any promises because we recognise that in baptism, as in all else, the initiative lies with the God who loves us and calls us here today. Continue reading

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Sermon: Freedom, love, covid19 … and Margaret Court

Commentators from outside Melbourne were appalled that we were willing to follow such draconian rules and accused us of having Stockholm Syndrome. It was not Stockholm Syndrome. It was love. Continue reading

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No need for a Religious ‘Freedom’ Act

The Religious Discrimination Bill 2019 is a solution looking for a problem. Continue reading

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Why the Uniting Church should be louder about its LGBTIQ inclusion

There is evidence to suggest that being louder about the fact that the Uniting Church unconditionally welcomes LGBTIQ people as members, ordains LGBTIQ people as ministers, and allows same-sex couples to be married in churches, is just good advertising. Continue reading

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Letter to the Sunday Age

My letter was edited for space, so here is the full thing. ‘Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father,’ says the letter attributed to James, the brother of Jesus, ‘is this: to care for orphans and widows … Continue reading

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Sermon: Religious freedom

Any Christian who claims that they should be free to reject people rather than to welcome them, and to deny them service rather than to serve, is not following Christ. Continue reading

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Vote ‘Yes’ for Religious Freedom

If I am wrong, and religious celebrants are forced by the state to marry any couples, I will be on the barricades and will happily join those celebrants in prison. Continue reading

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