Tag Archives: Christ the King

Sermon: Being Sheep, not Goats

Our charitable giving increases at Christmas because we know that the best way to welcome the new-born baby who is our Saviour is by caring for him in the poor. We may need to wait until the end of time to see the Son of Man come in his glory. But we see Jesus every single day in the faces of those in need. Continue reading

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Sermon: Longer than all earthly empires

In this world of violence and exclusion proclaiming such things might seem utterly naïve. And yet the reign of Christ has lasted longer than any of the empires of the world. Jesus was executed by the Roman Empire, which lasted for between 500 and 1000 years, depending on how it is defined. The British Empire, the reason that most of us are living here on this land, lasted four hundred years. Jesus was executed as a common criminal almost two thousand years ago and yet here we are, millennia later, on the other side of the world, trying our best to live as citizens of his realm. Continue reading

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Sermon: The Return of the King

Whenever we celebrate the Feast of the Reign of Christ, the last Sunday in the church year, I remind us of what a new festival this is. When people united their loyalty to ‘God, King, and country,’ as they did right up to the First World War, there was little suggestion that their loyalty to God might contradict their loyalty to an earthly ruler. But after that war fascism and communism began to dominate Europe, and so the Roman Catholic Church introduced the Reign of Christ as a feast to be celebrated in 1925. Continue reading

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Reflection: This is what it all comes down to

We human beings have a propensity for selfishness and exploitation. We naturally tend to care most about ourselves and those close to us, and least about those out of our sight. Continue reading

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Sermon: A higher loyalty

Our electoral system is something to be celebrated. Despite this, we as Christians have an even higher loyalty than our loyalty to our democracy. Continue reading

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Sermon: Religious freedom

Any Christian who claims that they should be free to reject people rather than to welcome them, and to deny them service rather than to serve, is not following Christ. Continue reading

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Sermon: What “Christ the King” means for us

Celebrating the Reign of Christ can be, in some places and at some times, a very brave and radical thing to do. Continue reading

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